Using REAL name in internet
Internet gives various facilities to people. For example, we can findany information such as news, edcucational data, and traffic data and so on,and meet our friends, family, etc.
And then it becomes a part of life. Some people even don’t subscribenewspaper because can easily read internet newpaper for free. Other people evendon’t go outside for metting. It is mainly attributed to the fact that to meetsomeone in internet is easier than real world.
Using real name has some merit and some demerit.
For example, it allows finding owner of user id in emergency. Andalmost users should not try to commit a crime because they can expose easily.
On the other hand, managers of an organization may easily contactprivate information.
Whatdo you support?
If you support using real name, how can you protect privateinformation?
If not, how do you deal with bad users such as abusive mailer?
I am glad to use real name. It makes ‘cyber world’ more reliablebecause if someone commit a crime, then to arrest him is not hard. So manypeople should say true. If you ask that how to protect private information, Ican answer that Public Key Infrastructure is the solution.
ü Huge private informationwas leaked by a manager associated with websites.
ü The government prohibitsusing social number in a law when users join a website.
ü A bill which punishesusing other person’s social number by stealth will be reform.